This class has really surprised me so far. I really had no idea what to expect, but it was a class that interested me by the title. I love reading fiction, so how could I not like the class, right? I figured It would be more like English classes in high school where we would read a book for a couple of weeks, write a paper about it and move on. I would have been fine with this, I mean, I did sign up for the class thinking that that's what I had gotten myself into. I can say that, although it's not what I expected, I really enjoy it. I like what we have done so far much more than I would have liked what I imagined us doing and I think what we do in class is a lot more productive. (And I can't even pretend that I'm not excited about not having to write a paper after everything we read--I'm a reader, not a writer.)
Reading a book and then writing about the themes or the writing style or the symbolism can be pointless if you don't know how to really read between the lines pull out the important factors in a story. This is something huge that I have learned in this course. If you are simply reading a story, like most of us would read a novel for pleasure, you're probably not reading deeply enough to really analyze a piece. This is something that would have been very nice to understand throughout those years of making up stuff to add to the papers in high school. This being the focus of the course has helped me grow as a reader which will help me not only in this class, but all of my classes to come and in all of my reading in general.
I also like the fact that we aren't just reading a few fiction novels this semester, we are reading short stories or excerpts from longer novels. Most of the stories we read are popular stories that I had heard of before the class, but never actually got the chance to read. So, now I can say that I've read popular stories like; Oliver Twist, Candide, Heart of Darkness, ect.
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